

GIS Mapping Hub
Both spatial and non-spatial data are stored on a central server which works like a common repository for all users.
Minerals Mapping Distribution
Data stored in the central server are used to publish Web Maps and Web applications over the internet.
Disaster Management Seamlessness
Users can access, edit and analyze data via a web browser without installing any special software.
Change Detection Capabilities
Common GIS features like zooming/panning, layer control, interactive query, and feature info are provided using web mapping libraries like Google maps api, Leaflet, OpenLayers
Watershed Management Platforms
Functionalities can be accessed using various devices, such as desktop computers, smartphones and laptops having internet connectivity
Land Use Mapping Protection
User access can be controlled using various security features built within the services
Land Use Mapping Cloud-powered
Cloud based MangoMap services are used for quick and easy implementation of central server
Land Use Mapping Options
Also other options available for central server such as, Geoserver based solution and custom development on cloud service platforms